Development & Consulting
Bring Your Ideas to Life
Everything that you dreamed of can be brought to life exactly at the moment when you decide to win.
Custom Software Solution
Digitise your services, develop digital products, implement modern systems and tap the potential of mobile apps with trustworthy custom software development company.
Process Automation
Mcorp implements Camunda Community along with our proprietary products based on it. With our help, you can reduce licensing costs up to 5 times, gaining even more opportunities to work with business processes.
Cloud Services
Committed to leveling down barriers that stop businesses from using cloud solutions on a full-scale, we are here to produce software 100% based on cloud services, accelerate your app migration processes, and show that the cloud is yours for the asking.
Tap the potential of team extension and pick a flexible IT team scaling method. Enrich your in-house software developers with our top-notched engineers and implement the most advanced projects with our assistance.
We develop customized AI systems using advanced technologies such as machine learning models and natural language processing. We specialize in chatbots, predictive analytics, and image recognition. Let us transform your business with our AI development services.
Gain new skills in just a few months, change your professional life and start working in the industry of the future.

About Us

The Custom Software Development Company with over 10 years of experience. We have successfully programmed the way to the goal for numerous Kazakh, Polish, UAE and foreign companies, for example:

DAR, Forte bank, Halyk bank, One Tech, Klika Tech, G42.
How we work ?
We’ll analyze your inquiry and get back to you in 48 hours
Our Business Manager will ask you a few questions regarding your business needs
Our Director of Technology will tell you about similar projects that we’ve done before
Together, we’ll find the best solution to your problem

Our Partners
  • Amazon Web Services
    It is the world's most widely used cloud platform with the broadest capabilities, providing more than 200 full-featured services to data centers around the planet.
  • DAR
    Progressive digital solutions in financial technology, telecommunications, education, entertainment and corporate agility.
  • One Tech
    Since 2019, ONE Technologies has been an official subsidiary of ForteBank JSC
  • ForteBank
    It is one of the leading Kazakh banks and has been successfully operating in the banking services market for more than 20 years.
Our Contacts
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.
Almaty, Kazakhstan